Thursday, November 4, 2010

Showers of Blessing

“Do you want to be made well?” John 5:6

We read in John 5:1-15 how a man who was a paralytic for thirty-eight years was miraculously healed by Jesus. I have always thought that this man must have been put by the pool in Jerusalem by his relatives for a miracle healing. During the earlier years of his stay by the pool he must have desperately tried to get into the pool as soon as the angel stirred up the water to be healed. But over the years, the man must have lost his hope to get healed and stayed there for thirty-eight years. Now this position by the pool has become a comfort zone for him. He must have thought, “If I get out of this place I need to go back to my family, but a bigger problem is awaiting me there and that is I need to work for a living. The sympathy will end and the relatives will find me a job seeing that I am healed.”

Being beside the pool the man must have been a hindrance for others to get healed. Knowing he was there for quite a long time Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be made well?” The answer was not a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but he said there is none to put him into the pool when the water is stirred up. That was an irrelevant answer to Jesus, the mighty healer which made Him say, “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (verse 8).

Jesus the healer is standing beside you right now. You can ask Him for the healing. Let the power of Jesus enter your body and heal you. Thank Jesus for the healing. He does not want you to be sick.

If the Lord is taking you out of your comfort zone today, do not be troubled, be ready - you are on the verge of a promotion.

Be Blessed.

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